Goodbye Vampire, Hello Batman!

We all missed Robert Pattinson so much. Amid the pandemic SOPs…the chaotic news of Will Smith who assulted Chris Rock during the prestigious Academy Awards night, I still haven’t moved on from latest The Batman movie. Hence why it took me almost 2 weeks to write this.

I agreed that some people might not accept this new Batman since the stories was kinda too dark (hey! Even Harry Potter’s movies got darker in times) but Robert surely has nailed it!

This new Batman movie will drag you into his darkest world, from his family history, to his eternal enemies which this time are the Riddler and The Penguin.

Bruce Wayne in this movie is not the previous Batman(s) that we knew before. No super heroic thingy but more into detectives kinda stuff.

The Riddler (Paul Dano) seems so ruthless, a darker Riddler than the Riddler we used to know. And well, talking about villains, please do not expect The Peguin in this Batman movie to be like The Peguin we used to know. He (Jeffrey Wrights) surely make me hate all peguins for awhile, hahaha

And the Cat Woman (Zoë Cravitz) was also been a darked Cat Woman! 

A nearly 3 hours movie to endure the suspens, the curiousity and “the sakit hati”. Worth watching! 
